Physical Activity Resources

We all know how important it is to be physically active, yet sometimes we need a little help, education, or motivation to get started.

The following links provide useful tools and valuable information on the importance of moving our bodies everyday.

Photo of 24-Hour Movement Guidelines

24-Hour Movement Guidelines

Background Info

Canada’s first ever 24-Hour Movement Guidelines have revolutionized our understanding of a healthy lifestyle. Shifting the focus beyond traditional exercise, these guidelines emphasize the intricate interplay of all movement behaviours throughout the day. This holistic approach encourages Canadians to “Sweat, Step, Sleep, and Sit” appropriately, recognizing the importance of physical activity, minimizing sedentary time, and prioritizing quality sleep for optimal well-being.

To support adults in implementing these guidelines, the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology developed The Whole Day Matters Toolkit. This user-friendly resource empowers individuals to increase physical activity levels with a variety of movement types, minimize prolonged sitting, and prioritize quality sleep. By embracing the principles of the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines, Canadians can unlock their full health potential and build a healthier future.

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Government of Canada

Background Info

To achieve optimal health, Canadians need to move more and sit less.

Check out this section of the Government of Canada website, titled Physical Activity and Your Health, to learn more about the benefits of physical activity, tips to get active, and resources for children, youth, and adults.

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Government of Canada

Background Info

This web page, hosted by the Government of Canada, provides useful information about children and physical activity. Check it out to learn more about the benefits of physical activity during childhood, ways to encourage physical activity, and how much is enough.

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Heart and Stroke Foundation

Background Info

The Heart and Stroke Foundation plays a key role in health education by providing health professionals, government and consumers with the latest information on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of heart disease and stroke.

Their page titled Heart Healthy Activity provides parents, caregivers, and teachers the tools to encourage kids to be more physically active.

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Photo of PHE Canada

PHE Canada

Background Info

PHE Canada is a recognized leader in physical and health education and supports healthy, active kids by promoting and advancing quality health and physical education opportunities.

The Ready, Check, Go! series of PHE Canada is a physical activity tracker designed to help children and their parents/guardians understand the importance and enjoyment of incorporating regular daily physical activity. The Ready, Check, Go! series includes a participant/student workbook, a leader/teacher guide, a parent/guardian guide, and is inclusive for children of all abilities.

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Photo of We Can!

We Can!

Background Info

We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity & Nutrition) is a national education program designed to encourage healthy eating, increase physical activity, and reduce screen-time in children.

We Can! Get Active encourages children and families to move more. The website contains valuable information and provides several tips and ideas to increasing physical activity.

We Can! Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity & Nutrition is a trademark of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

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Photo of Women’s Sports Foundation- National Girls & Women in Sports Day

Women’s Sports Foundation- National Girls & Women in Sports Day

Background Info

Empower girls and women through sports! The Women’s Sports Foundation supports the Annual National Girls & Women in Sports Day (NGWSD) on February 5. Download their NGWSD toolkit, find events happening near you, and read inspiring stories of women in sport. Find the tools, information, and inspiration you need to help girls and women realize their full power and become strong leaders.

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The above links are provided for informational and convenience purposes only; participation by the Northeastern Ontario Research Team for Health and Physical Activity (NORTH PA) lab does not imply endorsement by, or partnership with any of the listed organizations, resources and/or links. The NORTH PA lab bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external sites or for that of subsequent links. Please contact the external sites for answers to questions regarding its content.

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