“Sleep is an essential component of healthy development and is required for physical and mental health. Sleep deprivation and sleep disorders are highly prevalent among Canadian children, and these problems are under-reported, under-recognized, under-diagnosed, and often untreated.” – Gruber et al. (2012) Position Statement on Pediatric Sleep
Take a moment to search through the following websites to learn more about sleep. Resources include child-specific sleep information, conquering insomnia, and answers to common sleep questions.
Website: American Psychological Association
Background Info
The American Psychological Association is the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States. Their mission is to advance the creation, communication, and application of psychological knowledge to benefit society and improve people’s lives.
Check out the section of their website, titled “Why Is Sleep Important”, to get the answers to common sleep questions and learn more about those essential zzzs.
Website: Canadian Sleep Society
Website: Société Canadienne du Sommeil
Background Info
The Canadian Sleep Society is a national organization committed to improving sleep for all Canadians.
Check out their page to learn more about sleep in children, and learn how parent/guardians can encourage healthy sleep habits for their children.
Website: heretohelp
Background Info
Heretohelp is a project of the BC Partners for Mental Health and Substance Use Information.
Their wellness module, titled Getting a Good Night’s Sleep, is an excellent resource that provides information on how to improve sleep quality and offers tips for getting a good night’s sleep.
Website: Kelty Mental Health
Background Info
Provided by the BC Children’s Hospital, the Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre is a provincial source of mental health resources for children, youth, and families.
As “a good night’s sleep is important to our physical and mental well-being”, this part of their website provides valuable sleep information for children and youth with mental health concerns.
Website: Northwestern University Website
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Provided by Northwestern University, this section of the User experience of good sleep website discusses in detail how to get better sleep.
Website: Sleep Education
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Provided by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, this section of the Sleep Education website discusses the basics of healthy sleep.
Website: Sleepwell
Website: MieuxDormir
Background Info
Sleepwell is led by Drs. David Gardner and Andrea Murphy from Dalhousie University, Halifax. One of their two main goals is to help people with insomnia get their sleep back.
Sleepwell is an excellent website for those who suffer from insomnia, and although their website provides cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBTi), many of the resources can also be used by anyone looking to improve their sleep.
Website: World Sleep Society
Background Info
The World Sleep Society’s World Sleep Day resources provide answers to common sleep questions.
Disclaimer: The World Sleep Society is not a patient organization, however, is a membership organization of physicians and researchers.
The above links are provided for informational and convenience purposes only; participation by the Northeastern Ontario Research Team for Health and Physical Activity (NORTH PA) lab does not imply endorsement by, or partnership with any of the listed organizations, resources and/or links. The NORTH PA lab bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external sites or for that of subsequent links. Please contact the external sites for answers to questions regarding its content.